
During the current year, Management has identified errors in the accounting of transactions related to the reinsurance business of medical and personal assurance for prior periods. During the quarter ended 31 March 2023, Management had carried out internal assessment (as well as engaged external consultant to review the reconciliation process) and assessed the impact and accounted for reversal of receivable from reinsurance contract aggregating AED 69,343,226 as at 31 December 2022 with corresponding impact to Accumulated Losses.

Further, Management has also identified errors in computation of deferred acquisition cost asset (forming part of Insurance contract liabilities) as of 31 December 2022 and assessed the impact and accounted for reversal of AED 5,688,600 from deferred acquisition cost as at 31 December 2022 with corresponding impact to Accumulated Losses on retrospective basis.

In accordance with the requirements of ‘IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements’ and ‘IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’, the prior period errors had been corrected retrospectively by restating the relevant comparative balances in these financial statements.


Refer table below for details of restatement:


a) Restatement as at 1 January, 2022



1 January 2022


1 January 2022

Previously reported (restated under IFRS 17) Adjustment (Restated)
Financial Statement Level Item  
Reinsurance contract assets 121,152,115 (52,866,070)  


Accumulated losses (7,218,992) (52,866,070) (60,085,062)
b) Restatement as at 31 December, 2022
  31 December 2022  


31 December 2022
  Previously reported

(restated under IFRS 17)





Financial Statement Level Item      
Reinsurance contract assets 186,221,836 (69,343,226)  


Insurance contract liabilities 200,422,465 5,688,600 206,111,065
Accumulated losses restated under IFRS 17
Opening retained earnings/(losses) (7,218,992) (52,866,070) (60,085,062)
Movement for the year (1,379,429) (22,165,756) (23,545,185)
Closing balance of accumulated losses (8,598,421) (75,031,826) (83,630,247)
a)   Restatement of Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December, 2022


  31 December


31 December 2022
  Previously reported (restated under IFRS 17) Adjustment


Financial Statement Line Item      
Insurance revenue 249,971,841 249,971,841
Insurance service expenses (307,886,727) (5,688,600) (313,575,327)
Insurance service result before reinsurance contracts issued (57,914,886) (5,688,600) (63,603,486)
Allocation of reinsurance premiums (129,193,984) (129,193,984)
Amounts recoverable from reinsurance for incurred claims 177,883,406 (16,477,156)  


Net expenses from reinsurance contracts held 48,689,422 (16,477,156)  


Loss for the year (5,586,997) (22,165,756) (27,752,753)
Total comprehensive loss for the year (6,181,147) (22,165,756)         (28,346,903)