Financial assets

31 December
31 December


Investments carried at FVTOCI  
Quoted equity securities*  2,901,238 30,997,354
Quoted Tier 1 perpetual securities  1,190,727 2,555,228
Unquoted Tier 1 perpetual securities  6,950,000 6,950,000
 11,041,965 40,502,582
*Quoted equity securities amounting to AED 1,511,219 (31 December 2022: AED 4,503,420) are under the name of Chairman and are beneficially held and controlled by the Company.
 Investments carried at FVTPL  
Quoted equity securities 66,070  6,948,829
Unquoted debt securities (Note 9)        –  7,000,000
66,070 13,948,829

The movement in the investments in financial assets is as follows:

31 December
   31 December 2022
Investments carried at FVTOCI  
Fair value at 1 January  40,502,582 51,296,714
Additions  –   11,330,115
Disposals (30,422,387) (21,732,807)
Change in fair value  961,770 (391,440)
Fair value at the end of the reporting year 11,041,965 40,502,582
Investments carried at FVTPL  
Fair value at 1 January 13,948,829 12,249,031
Additions  3,973,624  10,119,102
Disposals (10,850,054)  (9,323,263)
Change in fair value taken to profit or loss (6,329)  903,959
Reclassified to cash and cash equivalents (Note 9) (7,000,000)
Fair value at the end of the reporting year 66,070 13,948,829

The geographical distribution of investments is as follows:

31 December
   31 December 2022
Quoted UAE equity securities 1,621,351 36,674,355
Quoted outside UAE Tier 1 Perpetual securities 1,190,727 2,555,227
Unquoted UAE debt securities (Note 9) 7,000,000
Unquoted UAE Tier 1 securities 6,950,000 6,950,000
Quoted outside UAE equity securities 1,345,957 1,271,829
11,108,035 54,451,411

6.1      Fair value measurements

Management considers that the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value approximates to their carrying amounts as stated in the financial statements and are classified as level 3 in accordance with the IFRS 13 hierarchy.

The following table provides an analysis of financial instruments that are measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value into Levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable.

  • Level 1 – fair value measurements derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
  • Level 2 – fair value measurements derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and
  • Level 3 – fair value measurements derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). Management has determined the fair value of these unquoted investments by applying an appropriate risk adjusted liquidity discount on the net assets of the investee companies.

Valuation techniques and assumptions applied for the purposes of measuring fair value

The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are determined using similar valuation techniques and assumptions as used for the year ended 31 December 2022.

Fair value of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on recurring basis

Some of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value at the end of the reporting period.

  Note Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
31 December 2023          
Investments at FVTOCI          
Investment in quoted securities (a)  2,901,238  2,901,238
Quoted Tier 1 perpetual securities (a)  1,190,727  1,190,727
Unquoted Tier 1 perpetual securities   6,950,000 6,950,000
    4,091,965 6,950,000 11,041,965
Investments at FVTPL          
Investment in quoted equity securities (a) 66,070 66,070
    66,070 66,070
31 December 2022


Investments at FVTOCI          
Investment in quoted securities (a)  30,997,354  –  – 30,997,354
Quoted Tier 1 perpetual securities    2,555,228 2,555,228
Unquoted Tier 1 perpetual securities    –  – 6,950,000  6,950,000
     33,552,582  – 6,950,000 40,502,582
Investments at FVTPL          
Investment in quoted equity securities (a)  6,948,829  –  –  6,948,829
Unquoted Tier 1 perpetual securities   7,000,000 7,000,000
    6,948,829 7,000,000 13,948,829
  • Fair values have been determined by reference to the quoted prices at the reporting date.

During the year, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurement and no transfers into or out of Level 3 fair value measurements.