Segment information

The Company has two reportable segments, as described below, which are the Company’s strategic business units. The business units are managed separately because they require different approach technology and marketing strategies. For each of the strategic business units, the Chief Operating Decision Maker reviews internal management reports on at least a quarterly basis.

The following summary describes the two main business segments:

  • Underwriting of general insurance business – incorporating all classes of general insurance such as fire, marine, motor, medical, general accident and miscellaneous.
  • Investments – incorporating investments in marketable equity securities and investment funds, development bonds, term deposits with banks and other securities.

Primary segment information – business segment

31 December 2023


31 December 2022

(Restated) AED

Underwriting Investments Total Underwriting Investments Total
Segment revenue 242,946,852 3,779,514 246,726,366   249,971,841 6,074,287 256,046,128
Segment result (46,379,294) 3,779,514 (42,599,780)   (32,012,819) 6,074,287 (25,938,532)
Unallocated income/expense, net     625,165        


Net loss for the year     (41,974,615)       (27,752,753)

The following is an analysis of the Company’s assets, liabilities and equity by business segment: 

  31 December 2023 31 December 2022  
  AED Restated) AED  
  Underwriting Investments Total Underwriting Investments (Total  
Segment assets 168,327,461 11,108,035 179,435,496   178,225,665 54,451,411 232,677,076
Unallocated assets     37,779,645       55,930,903
Total assets     217,215,141       288,607,979

Segment liabilities

195,845,468 (6,069) 195,839,399    223,988,160  7,198,968 231,187,128
Equity   18,844,719       54,212,533
Unallocated liabilities   2,531,023       3,208,318
Total liabilities and equity 217,215,141     288,607,979
  1. Secondary segment information – revenue from underwriting departments

The following is an analysis of the Company’s revenues classified by major underwriting department.



31 December


  31 December


Non – Marine 143,464,248   144,860,432
Medical and personal assurance 98,881,399   103,323,413
Marine 601,205   1,787,996
  242,946,852   249,971,841



There were no transactions between the business segments during the year.

Gross written premium

Details relating to gross written premium are disclosed below to comply with the requirements of CBUAE and are not calculated as per requirements of IFRS 17

31 December 2023 Non- Marine Medical and personal assurance Marine insurance All types of business combined
Direct written premiums 112,604,800 113,524,047 679,052 226,807,899
Assumed business        
Foreign 1,359,186 1,359,186
Local 1,697,456 1,697,456
Total assumed business 3,056,642 3,056,642
Gross written premiums 115,661,442 113,524,047 679,052 229,864,542


31 December 2022


Non- Marine Medical and personal assurance Marine insurance All types of business combined
Direct written premiums 176,768,944 101,430,623 1,693,138 279,892,705
Assumed business        
Foreign 223,442 223,442
Local 1,135,800 1,135,800
Total assumed business 1,359,242 1,359,242
Gross written premiums 178,128,186 101,430,623 1,693,138 281,251,947